  • Food to strengthen eyesight

    Food to strengthen eyesight

    It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul and that through them you can appreciate the purity of a person’s spirit. Today we give you some food to strengthen the view. You will see the change! According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), in the world there are approximately

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  • Prevention of falls

    Prevention of falls

    What are the places in the house where more falls occur? Definitely the most common and most dangerous place for falls is the bathroom, so it is always recommended to have support bars, anti-slip carpets in the shower, bath chair among other things; the second place in frequency is the room of the older adult,

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  • Tips to Take Care of the Knees

    Tips to Take Care of the Knees

    The knees are the largest joint in the body. Many women do not give them the attention they deserve, either because of ignorance or even carelessness. One of the main causes for which we begin to have problems in the knees is overweight. If your body weight is not in the correct number you are

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  • Manipulating food Correctly

    Manipulating food Correctly

    Older adults, as well as children, pregnant women and the chronically ill, are very vulnerable to Foodborne Diseases, this is basically the product of a weak Defenses System. It is also said that older adults are more defenseless against this type of diseases, because the amount of stomach acid decreases with the passage of time

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  • General Malaise in the Adult

    General Malaise in the Adult

    Aging is the only known process to live a long time. It is a dynamic, continuous, irreversible and universal process, therefore, we must be aware that old age is not a disease and that not all older adults are equal or all age in the same way. Lifestyle, food and environmental factors play a major

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  • At the best age, quality is needed.

    At the best age, quality is needed.

    We constantly hear the words “Quality of Life”, and relate it to well-being. Quality of life includes the subjective dimension (as each person perceives their well-being, personal satisfaction) and objective dimension (general state of health) and its components include physical health, psychological state, level of independence and relationships social. To address this issue, I would

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  • Do not Confuse Gluten Sensitivity With Celiac disease

    Do not Confuse Gluten Sensitivity With Celiac disease

    Knowing how to differentiate Gluten sensitivity from celiac disease allows the doctor to choose the appropriate treatment with saving resources and improving the quality of life of the patient. Gluten can produce three types of diseases, which we describe below: Celiac disease (CD) is a genetic, autoimmune disorder that occurs as a reaction to the

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  • Oral Health in the Elderly

    Oral Health in the Elderly

    Aging is a natural and progressive process that presents individual severity and speed, which are modulated by other coexisting diseases. Therefore, it is expected that the oral cavity (lips, gums and bone) will also experience this process. What does oral health mean? According to the World Health Organization, oral health is a key indicator of

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  • Temor a los cambios

    Temor a los cambios

    Mientras que para algunos la tercera edad puede significar el momento ideal para dedicarse a uno mismo, para abocarse a las tareas que habían sido postergadas en otra etapa de la vida y aprovechar el tiempo libre para descansar, para otros no resulta tan sencillo encontrarle el lado positivo. Y viven con pesar el proceso

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  • Estreñimiento en los adultos mayores

    Estreñimiento en los adultos mayores

    El término estreñimiento se refiere a la dificultad, o tensión, en la defecación y movimientos infrecuentes del intestino durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Los síntomas asociados con el estreñimiento incluyen deposición dura/seca, hinchazón y dolor abdominal. Las definiciones de la función normal del intestino varían, pero se ha sugerido como patrón normal una frecuencia

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