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After age 65, when the adult reaches the third age, special attention should be paid to the largest organ of the body: the skin; with the aim of preventing and attacking any type of affectation in time.

When aging, this organ becomes thinner and has a significant loss in the number of sebaceous glands, therefore, there is a decrease in natural moisturization and the acidic protective barrier that it has.

More common diseases. In older adults, skin diseases are usually the result of exposure to ultraviolet light, which causes accumulated sun damage and also causes several types of skin cancer.

The most common areas in which injuries occur are all parts of the body that have been exposed to the sun over the years, for example, the head, nose, forehead, cheekbones, ears, the “V” area of ​​the neck and the arms

Among the most frequent lesions are the so-called pre malignant lesions, such as seborrheic and actinic keratosis. Respectively, the first one is characterized by having an appearance similar to a wart, it is generally dark and its main causes are the normal process of aging, inheritance and exposure to ultraviolet light.

The second, also have as a main cause exposure to ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation. They can be identified as a thick, scaly patch or a small spot on the skin.

Basic care
Among the essential skin care of an older adult are the use of sunscreen cream with a protection factor greater than or equal to 50. In case of direct sun exposure, the protector should be reapplied every two hours and complement with hat, hat and clothing that covers areas such as arms and neck.

At the time of the daily bath, it is advised to last ten minutes maximum and that the temperature of the water is lukewarm. Also, it is necessary to moisturize the body three times a day with thick creams, which offer greater protection, as well as use fresh clothes -not adjusted-, depending on the weather and ideally cotton.

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