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It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul and that through them you can appreciate the purity of a person’s spirit. Today we give you some food to strengthen the view. You will see the change!

According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), in the world there are approximately 285 million people with visual disabilities, of which 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision.

The WHO clarifies that 80% of the world total of cases of visual disability can be avoided or cured.

We only have a pair of eyes, so we must take care of them to keep them in the best possible state.

Green leafy vegetables, such as:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Lettuce

They are excellent for preventing eye diseases such as macular degeneration, which causes gradual damage to the retina and can lead to a gradual loss of sight.

This type of vegetables contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that are antioxidants and help prevent cell damage.

Orange fruits and vegetables
The food acquires this color due to the presence of beta carotene, a vitamin A driver. Eating orange or carrot helps maintain healthy eye blood vessels and reduces the risk of cataracts, in addition to helping the eyes adjust to low levels of light at night.

Fish fat
The omega 3 present in fish fat such as salmon, tuna or sardine has a lot of health benefits, including the well-being of your eyes.

In 2009, the National Eye Institute in the United States carried out an investigation in which they found that omega 3:

-helps adults to protect their eyes from both the macular generation associated with old age and the dry eye syndrome

It is a food with a large number of properties that can also be incorporated into many preparations in a practical and easy way.

It has a high content of:
Fatty acids (omega 3 and lutenía)
Despite not containing as many carotenoids as green vegetables, the body assimilates the nutrients of this food more quickly.

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