  • Positive aging

    Positive aging

    The term active aging was adopted by the World Health Organization in the late 1990s with the intention of conveying a more complete message, that of health, the way individuals and populations age. The approach to active ageing is based on the recognition of the human rights of older people and on the United Nations

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  • Self-esteem in the elderly

    Self-esteem in the elderly

    The third age is a very difficult stage for self-esteem. People see how their physical and mental abilities are decreasing. At the same time observe how their social contacts are disappearing, either by the death of some of their acquaintances, by their inability to maintain the pace of previous life or because their own relatives

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  • Third age: the charm of ageing

    Third age: the charm of ageing

    Numerous studies in the field of psychology analyse this phenomenon in terms of the well-being of the longest generations and as a guarantee for the future of young people. And it is that during the third age biochemical, physiological, morphological, functional, psychological and social changes take place in the individual, as a result of the

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  • La Soledad en la Tercera edad

    La Soledad en la Tercera edad

    Nuestros mayores por el  simplemente hecho  de serlo se vuelven más introvertidos, como que no pertenecen ya al gran grupo de personas «útiles», ya no toman decisiones, están relegados a un segundo plano, por eso necesitan emocionalmente estima y reconocimiento, que la sociedad los reconozca como personas que aún pueden aportar muchas cosas, experiencias de

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  • Beneficios del senderismo en las personas mayores

    Beneficios del senderismo en las personas mayores

    La jubilación pone fin a tu vida laboral para dar paso a otro estilo de vida, uno en el que tú eres la prioridad y en el que, por qué no, aprovechar para realizar todo aquello que antes no podías hacer. En ese estilo de vida saludable que es tan recomendable adoptar ahora que el trabajo

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  • Diabetes in old age

    Diabetes in old age

    The sustained increase in life expectancy in the world population and the higher incidence and prevalence of diabetes in old age has led to an increase in the number of diabetics over 65 years of age. In our country with an aging population, diabetes in old age is an important health problem and its treatment

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  • Heat stroke, how to prevent it in the elderly.

    Heat stroke, how to prevent it in the elderly.

    A heat stroke or thermal shock is a case of hyperthermia that occurs due to the overheating of the human body due to a high temperature or an excess of physical exercise, in this article of the blog of montesalud we are going to focus on the blow of heat, how to prevent it in

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  • Qué hacer para mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas mayores

    Qué hacer para mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas mayores

    Actualmente la gente vive más años pero, aunque la longevidad es importante, lo que está por encima de todo es la calidad de vida, sobre todo en edad avanzada. La salud física y emocional son fundamentales para disfrutar de estos años. Como nunca es tarde para empezar a cuidarse. – Cuidar la dieta: en la última

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    Se vive más tiempo en todo el mundo. Actualmente, por primera vez en la historia, la mayor parte de la población tiene una esperanza de vida igual o superior a los 60 años. Para 2050, se espera que la población mundial en esa franja de edad llegue a los 2000 millones, un aumento de 900

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  • Obesity in the third age

    Obesity in the third age

    Collectives such as childhood, but there are other groups such as the elderly in which this pathology becomes more harmful if possible. Obesity is not just synonymous with a high body weight. The concept of obesity requires that this excess weight occurs at the expense of fat tissue, and not other body tissues such as

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