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One of the most common risks to which the older adult faces is the loss of memory and with it a notable decrease in their cognitive activity. For this reason it is very important that as family members and people responsible for their welfare and health, we take care to prevent them from this risk and help them strengthen and stimulate their brains.

Memorize lists

Making lists is one of the most common activities in our day to day life, and this is something that we should take advantage of so that our grandparents can test their memory and be strengthened. The shopping list is a very good option, when you go to the supermarket you can ask him (from memory) to tell you what are the purchases you should make. You can do the same by asking him to organize a weekly plan, a list of guests to the Christmas dinner or a list of pending

Memorize lists

Making lists is one of the most common activities in our day to day life, and this is something that we should take advantage of so that our grandparents can test their memory and be strengthened. The shopping list is a very good option, when you go to the supermarket you can ask him (from memory) to tell you what are the purchases you should make. You can do the same by asking him to organize a weekly plan, a list of guests to the Christmas dinner or a list of pending

Review the family’s birthday dates and important dates in general

You can take a tour throughout the year and start remembering the year your grandparents were married, when Aunt Pipita was born, when your first grandchild was born, and many other dates that are very important for them. that remembering them can be a great exercise to activate and stimulate your memory in a very simple but effective way.


The brain performs several functions such as processing information, of which many are recorded in memory. However, this ability to remember can be affected during the aging stage or by some disease such as Alzheimer’s.

Although there are people who do not like to go to consultation should know that the brain can be stimulated at any age to develop cognitive thinking, memory and creativity.


The physical benefits of physical dexterity, there is an improvement in balance and walking, better health for the heart and brain. Those who exercise last four years longer than those who do not, and mentally gives them security, freedom to move, sense of autonomy and independence, improves their social and family integration.

In addition, it is known that nutrition is vital, especially the contribution of proteins to help increase muscle mass which is only achieved if at the same time of taking protein resistance exercises are performed.

if you want to know more information visit our social networks @adultcounselingcenter99

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